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2014 HOSTS

Chloe Villano & Robert Kane


Hope Award | Jason Cranford Sierra Riddle 
Cannabis Executive of the Year | Brooke Gehring 
Lifetime Achievement Award | Robert J. Corry 
Publication of the Year | The Cannabist - The Denver Post 
Most Valuable Media Source | Weedmaps 
Most Influential Individual | Mini Fox 
People's Choice Cannabis Activist of the Year | Sean Azzariti 
People's Choice Cannabis Advocate of the Year | Mason Tvert 
Most Valuable Political Industry Representative | Mike Dunafon 

Educator of the Year | Cannabis Business Alliance - Edibles Education Campaign

Non-Profit of the Year | NORML

Cannabis Business of the Year | Vicente Sederberg

People's Choice Industry Organization of the Year | Women Grow
Industrial Hemp Industry Organization of the Year | Samantha Walsh

People's Choice Infused Product Manufacturer | Incredibles 

People's Choice Invention of the Year | Mary Medicinal's

Transdermal Patch 

People's Choice Best Medical Center | The Clinic

People's Choice Best Retail Center | Mile High Cannabis

People's Choice Best Concentrate Products | Green Dot Labs

People's Choice Best Edible Products | Sweet Grass Kitchen

People's Choice Best Flower Products | Kind Love - Alien Rock Candy

Cultivation Master of the Year | Jay Price - The Clinic
Extract Artist of the Year | Josh Zirlin - TC Labs

Budtender of the Year | Jordan McFall - Patients Choice / Live Green Cannabis

Manager of the Year | Ryan Cook - The Clinic

Product of the Year | CB Scientific THC / CBD Home Test Kits

MVP Awards | Jane West, Genifer Murray, Wanda James, 

Rachel Gillene, Adam Dunn 


Cannabis Bsuiness Association, Clover Leaf Consulting, Clover Leaf University. Cannabis Business Exchange, Cannabis Business Tours, Cannabis Science Inc. Edson Maytan and Matz, UFCW, Incredibles, Keef Cola
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